Fine Art Printmaking and Illustration
In 2002 I was offered a special opportunity to illustrate and provide the art direction for Small Graces, a children’s prayer book, published by Solsidan House in 2004.
In addition to creating all of the hand-carved relief prints used to illustrate the book, I was responsible for graphic design for Solsidan House. This included logos, creating adjunct lines of greeting cards based on the illustrations and prayers contained in the book, and all elements of book design.
It was a tremendous experience, which taught me so much about printmaking and affirmed why this technique suits my creative expression so well. I enjoyed interpreting the prayers and songs into images, and especially liked the challenge of translating the more abstract concepts.
While the book is no longer available commercially, I am happy to offer the remaining copies for sale.
The book is a high quality, cloth bound hardcover, featuring three chapters; morning prayers, mealtime prayers, and evening prayers. Each chapter has its own unique border illustration. A smaller illustration which reflects the specific content of each page is inset at the base of each border.
It measures 8½" x 11", 48 pages, including special pages at the back for children to record their own special prayers and thanksgivings.
$25 per copy
All content is copyright Solsidan House, 2004.
All Rights Reserved.
In 2002 I was offered a special opportunity to illustrate and provide the art direction for Small Graces, a children’s prayer book, published by Solsidan House in 2004.
In addition to creating all of the hand-carved relief prints used to illustrate the book, I was responsible for graphic design for Solsidan House. This included logos, creating adjunct lines of greeting cards based on the illustrations and prayers contained in the book, and all elements of book design.
It was a tremendous experience, which taught me so much about printmaking and affirmed why this technique suits my creative expression so well. I enjoyed interpreting the prayers and songs into images, and especially liked the challenge of translating the more abstract concepts.
While the book is no longer available commercially, I am happy to offer the remaining copies for sale.
The book is a high quality, cloth bound hardcover, featuring three chapters; morning prayers, mealtime prayers, and evening prayers. Each chapter has its own unique border illustration. A smaller illustration which reflects the specific content of each page is inset at the base of each border.
It measures 8½" x 11", 48 pages, including special pages at the back for children to record their own special prayers and thanksgivings.
$25 per copy
All content is copyright Solsidan House, 2004.
All Rights Reserved.